Semantic knowledge base
Our reference data catalogue contains more than 150 datasets spanning from simple code lists to taxonomies, schemas and ontologies.
Each specific type has its own specificities and usage needs. Depending on the case only one format might be available or many.
When a particular dataset is available for download in different formats the obvious question is:
What format shall I chose?
Currently, depending on the type of datasets, the following distribution formats are available for download:
Distribution / Format |
Method of identification |
Where and why |
Document Type Definition | file extension: .dtd | File format used for certain types of data models (e.g., Formex). |
GeneriCode | file extension: .gc | Simple, XML based, recognised standard format (OASIS), specifically intended for dissemination of code lists. GeneriCode dates back from pre computer based era and it is used in industrial application and for data exchange. |
GeoJSON | file extension: .geojson | Open geospatial data interchange format. As the name implies it is based on the JaveScript Object Notation format. It is used to encode simple geographic features. |
MarcXML | file extension: .xml and the name of the file or the ZIP archive contains the string: MarcXML | It is an XML based format used in libraries and by catalogue systems to facilitate the transfer of catalogue records and bibliographic data. |
MS Excel | file extension: .xls or
| De facto office type format, used mainly for storage and exchange of tabular data. Easily applicable to basic code lists. |
Web Ontology Language | file extension: .owl | W3C standard, designed to represent in a consistent way semantic models like Ontologies |
SKOS Core | file extension: .rdf and the name of the file contains the string: skos | RDF based, W3C standard, designed to represent the basic structure and content of thesauri, classification schemes, taxonomies, code lists or other types of controlled vocabulary. |
SKOS-AP | file extension: .rdf and the name of the file contains the string: skos-ap | RDF based, SKOS Application Profile, used for the extended representation of EU Vocabularies datasets. The main different from the SKOS Core distribution is the fact that it includes the complete set of properties that define EU Vocabularies datasets. |
XML Schema | file extension: .xsd | XML based file format used for the definition and validation of XML data models |
Each of those formats have their advantages that manifest in relation with the mechanism of import, content needed and method of use. We advise you to check the list and analyse the formats in direct connection with your own needs.
Terms used in our reference data catalogue
18 september 2024
How to extract a list of concepts from a vocabulary
18 september 2024
About the use of Authority tables
12 augustus 2024
Identifiers and how to use more than one
6 oktober 2022
useContext property and how to use it
18 mei 2022
How to prepare a publication package
3 november 2021
Federated queries
24 oktober 2021
About reference data
23 oktober 2021
useContext property and how to use it
55467 Weergaven
Terms used in our reference data catalogue
55244 Weergaven
Federated queries
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How to prepare a publication package
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About the use of Authority tables
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Identifiers and how to use more than one
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About reference data
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