Publications Office of the EU
RSS and ATOM feeds - Cellar
RSS requests

RSS and ATOM feeds request

URL to request

To request a feed, the following URL must be used:


The value of {channel} may match one of the following values:

  • ingestion
  • nal
  • sparql-load
  • ontology

Type of feed

To specify if the response is given in RSS or in ATOM format, the HTTP header Accept:{accept-type} must be specified, where {accept-type} is a string which may assume the following values

  • application/rss+xml, in which case the Cellar will provide the results as an RSS feed
  • application/atom+xml, in which case the Cellar will provide the results as an ATOM feed
RSS intro

RSS and ATOM feeds

The Cellar has its own RSS and ATOM feeds, which has the same content as EUR-Lex plus other publications (from EU Publications, for example), detailed to the most granular extent possible.

This notification service provides information about the ingesting of documents in the form of an RSS or Atom feed. Every modified publication and/or their metadata for every language will be shown in it. 
It also provides information about the loading of NALs, the loading of ontologies and the loading of models in the knowledge graph.

By accessing these feeds, it is possible to get a complete history of the performed actions.


RSS intro

RSS and ATOM feeds

The Cellar has its own RSS and ATOM feeds, which has the same content as EUR-Lex plus other publications (from EU Publications, for example), detailed to the most granular extent possible.

This notification service provides information about the ingesting of documents in the form of an RSS or Atom feed. Every modified publication and/or their metadata for every language will be shown in it. 
It also provides information about the loading of NALs, the loading of ontologies and the loading of models in the knowledge graph.

By accessing these feeds, it is possible to get a complete history of the performed actions.


RSS requests

RSS and ATOM feeds request

URL to request

To request a feed, the following URL must be used:


The value of {channel} may match one of the following values:

  • ingestion
  • nal
  • sparql-load
  • ontology

Type of feed

To specify if the response is given in RSS or in ATOM format, the HTTP header Accept:{accept-type} must be specified, where {accept-type} is a string which may assume the following values

  • application/rss+xml, in which case the Cellar will provide the results as an RSS feed
  • application/atom+xml, in which case the Cellar will provide the results as an ATOM feed
Asset Publisher

  • startDate: Defines the date (inclusive) since which the ingestion notifications shall be retrieved. Its format must match one of the following:
    • yyyy-MM-dd (2013-12-02)
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss (2013-12-02T09:24:22)
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ (2013-12-02T09:24:22-01:00)
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ (2013-12-02T09:24:22.123-01:00).
  • endDate: Defines the date (inclusive) until which the ingestion notifications shall be retrieved. It has the same format of startDate
  • type: A string value, either CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE. It defines the type of ingestion to be retrieved
  • wemiClasses: A comma-separated list of WEMI classes: work, expression, manifestation, item, dossier, event or agent
  • page: The number of the page on the feed to display, should the total number of entries returned be higher than 1000 (defined in property cellar.service. notification.itemsPerPage). This parameter may be used to page large results by firing subsequent requests and setting incremental values on this parameter. If not set, page 1 is returned.

Retrieve the 3rd page of the RSS feed containing the updates of works and events occurred from the 1st of July to the 31st July 2016:

curl -H 'Accept:application/rss+xml',event&page=3

Retrieve the 1st page of the ATOM feed containing the creations, updates and deletions of all types of entities occurred from the 1st July 2016 until now:

curl -H 'Accept:application/atom+xml'

Retrieve the 3rd page of the RSS feed containing the successful NAL updates occurred from the 1st July to the 31st July 2016:

curl -H 'Accept:application/rss+xml'

Retrieve the 1st page of the ATOM feed containing the successful ontology updates occurred from the 1st July 2016 until now:

curl -H 'Accept:application/atom+xml'

<rss version="2.0"  
  <title>Ingestion Notification Messages Response</title>   # ingestion channel
  <notifReq:startDate>2012-01-01T00:00:00+01:00</notifReq:startDate>   # start date optionally specified as request parameter
  <notifReq:endDate>2012-12-31T00:00:00+01:00</notifReq:endDate>   # end date optionally specified as request parameter
  <notifReq:page>1</notifReq:page>   # number of pages where the maximum is optionally specified as request parameter
  <notifReq:moreEntries>false</notifReq:moreEntries>   # indicates if there are more results until the end date in case the user has specified a max number of page
   <guid isPermaLink="false">7081775</guid>   # permanent link of the rss item
   <notifEntry:id>7081775</notifEntry:id>   # id of the rss item
   <notifEntry:cellarId>cellar:ca753ae9-cf80-11e2-859e-01aa75ed71a1</notifEntry:cellarId>   # cellar id of the target element
   <notifEntry:rootCellarId>cellar:ca753ae9-cf80-11e2-859e-01aa75ed71a1<notifEntry:rootCellarId>   # cellar id of the top level parent in the WEMI hierarchy
   <notifEntry:type>update</notifEntry:type>   # type of ingestion. Equal to the type of action optionally specified as request parameter if enters by the user
   <notifEntry:priority>DAILY</notifEntry:priority>   # priority of ingestion of the element
   <notifEntry:classes> # list of classes in the CDM ontology of the current element
    <notifEntry:class></notifEntry:class>   # the element is an instance of cdm:case-law_national
    <notifEntry:class></notifEntry:class>   # the element is an instance of cdm:case-law
    <notifEntry:class></notifEntry:class>   # the element is an instance of cdm:resource_legal
    <notifEntry:class></notifEntry:class>   # the element is an instance of cdm:work
   <notifEntry:identifiers>   # list of production identifiers of the current element
    <notifEntry:identifier>oj:JOL_2012_154_R_0012_01</notifEntry:identifier>   # oj production identifier JOL_2012_154_R_0012_01
    <notifEntry:identifier>celex:32006D0241</notifEntry:identifier>   # celex production identifier 32006D0241
   <notifEntry:date>2012-06-11T09:13:58+01:00</notifEntry:date>   # date of ingestion of the current element