Publications Office of the EU
Search result - Webtools
OP Widgets - Search result Updated text

Search result widget

The search result widget showcases the latest search outcomes from the Publications Office portal, tailored to your specified search criteria. When integrated into your website, it consistently presents the most recent content relevant to your queries. Supporting all 24 official languages of the EU, this widget is both user-friendly and cost-free. It offers flexibility, allowing you to effortlessly modify search parameters and customize its appearance to suit your preferences.


The search result widget below was created using the following search terms and filters

  • Author: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
  • Search done in "EU Publications" collection

It retrieves the query made on OP Portal and will be updated automatically, whenever there are new publications by this author. The publications are displayed in their relevance order, but you can set it to be sort by publication date or title in the header of the widget. Results can be browsed using the navigation on top right corner. When building the widget, you can modify the look-and-feel easily with our ready made templates or custom CSS code.

Search result widget out of the box

Out of the box styling

Copy the Widget Code to test it on your website

<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
<script type='application/json'>
How to create - Search result

How to create this widget

There are two ways to create this widget; for both, you need to be logged in to the Publications Office portal before beginning

  1. The first is directly in your search result page, click on the top toolbar "Widget - embed results" and follow the steps to complete your widget creation.

  2. From your user profile: Login to your user profile and select the Search result widget. Then follow the steps to customize the widget. Keep in mind that first you have to have a Search result saved in your profile.

Search result widget EC styling

EC Template

What is it

The EC Template allows you to have a corporate compliant looking widget with one single click. Using templates offers a multitude of advantages that streamline tasks and enhance outcomes. With the ready-made templates that follow the Europa Component Library, you can effortlessly maintain consistency and save valuable time.

How it looks

How to apply this template

In the widget editor you can find the presaved template available in the upper right corner. It is applied in one click and you can keep further modifying your widget without loosing the styling.