Cuadros de autoridades
Para armonizar y normalizar los códigos y sus cuadros asociados que se utilizan en la Oficina de Publicaciones y en el intercambio interinstitucional de datos (es decir, entre las instituciones que participan en el proceso jurídico de toma de decisiones reunidas en el Comité Interinstitucional de Mantenimiento de Metadatos [IMMC]), se han definido una serie de listas de listas de autoridades nacionales (NAL).
En el Registro de Metadatos se mantienen los siguientes NAL:
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Accreditation decisions provides information about the outcome of an accreditation process. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Accreditation statuses allows the determination of whether the accreditation status of an institution / programme is settled, pending review, obsolete, etc. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Accreditation types allows learning opportunity providers and credential issuers to describe, in a standardised way, the quality assurance of their institution or programme, and whether or not it legally grants a license to operate. It is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The Agricultural products (AGRIPROD) is a list of the agricultural products.
It is created and maintained by Eurostat and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Assessment types describes potential means to assess a person's learning achievements. It is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Attachment types consists of a list of unstructured document types which can be appended to a report. It is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The Business event is a controlled vocabulary classifying public services related to the business events. It is supported by Core public service vocabulary application profile (CPSV-AP) and should help european public administrations to align their catalogue of services.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Claim types includes the types of claims which may be made about a person in the context of a learning credential. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
A statistical classification has a structure which is composed of one or several classification levels. A classification level is often characterised by a generic name for the classification items that it regroups. For instance, the NACE uses the terms "sections", "divisions", "groups" and "classes"; the Combined Nomenclature (CN) has sections, chapters, headings, HS subheadings and CN subheadings; the NUTS includes 4 levels: Level 0 (Country), level 1 (NUTS 1), level 2 (NUTS 2) and level 3 (NUTS 3). The bottom level is always the most detailed level i.e., has the most precise information (detailed values) for the variable classifying the statistical unit.
Classification levels is maintained by Eurostat and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of content encoding types provides a reference to encoding schemes used by the European Digital Credentials for Learning Infrastructure. It is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The list of Credential types describes types of European Digital Credentials for Learning, each of which is associated with an application profile of the European Learning Model (ELM). The list of Credential types is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Educational credit systems distinguishes between existing and widely used European credit systems, e.g. for higher education (ECTS) and for vocational education and training (ECVET). It is maintained by DG EMPL and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Entitlement statuses allows the determination of whether the entitlement awarded to learners who successfully complete a learning opportunity is actual or prospective. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Entitlement types provides a list of different kinds of entitlements that a person can achieve by successfully completing a learning opportunity, e.g. to practice a profession, take advantage of a learning opportunity or join an organisation. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
Entity Legal Forms is a code list that provides the distinct entity legal forms in a wide range of jurisdictions all over the world specifying the ELF code (Entity Legal Form Code) and the abbreviations in the local language. The author of DIGIT Entity Legal Forms is the Commission DG DIGIT and it is published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is an 8-level, learning outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications that serves as a translation tool between different national qualifications frameworks. This framework helps improve transparency, comparability and portability of people's qualifications and makes it possible to compare qualifications from different countries and institutions. The European Qualifications Framework is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
This code list references the classification series used for the production of European statistics. According to the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM), a Classification Series is an ensemble of one or more Statistical Classifications, based on the same concept, and related to each other as versions or updates. Typically, these Statistical Classifications have the same name (for example, NACE or CPA).
Classification Series is maintained by Eurostat and disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Evidence types consists of distinct types of supplementary document which may be included in a European Digital Credential for Learning, as an extension of the verifiable credential evidence type. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Grade statuses defines the outcome of an assessment. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Learning opportunity information topics describes information topics that can be supplied about a learning opportunity and its provider. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Learning activity types categorises and labels activities that learners can engage with in order to achieve pre-defined learning outcomes. It is maintained by DG EMPL, published by the Publications Office of the European Union and disseminated on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Learning opportunity types describes potential delivery formats of organised learning. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Learning schedule types indicates intensity of learning, from light part time to full time engagement. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Learning setting types provides terms to distinguish between formal learning taking place in a more organised and structured environment, and non-formal learning that is more flexible and self-paced, however still involves some form of learning support. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The Life event is a controlled vocabulary classifying public services related to the life events. It is supported by Core public service vocabulary application profile (CPSV-AP) and should help public administrations to align their catalogue of services.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Methods of supervision and verification provides a list of possible means by which security of assessment can be assured, such as for example ID verification and/or activity supervision. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Mode of learning and assessment describes means by which learning and assessment can be carried out. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
List of the production types and heading types is a code list used for classifying PRODCOM headings according to the combination of production types used that are reported for the product. The `Production type' indicates the concept of production.
European Commission, Eurostat, European business statistics methodological manual for PRODCOM : 2021 edition, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,
European Commission, Eurostat, European business statistics user's manual for PRODCOM : 2021 edition, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,
List of the production types is maintained by Eurostat and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The PPP Glossary is a comprehensive collection of the terms and concepts included in the Eurostat-OECD Methodological Manual on Purchasing Power Parities.
The list of ESCO skill pillar concept reusability levels consists of four concepts, which indicate how widely a particulary ESCO knowledge, skill or competence can be applied. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The ESCO skills pillar types, established by the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO), distinguish between two concepts, i.e. skill/competence and knowledge. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The dataset is a collection of the most common statistical abbreviations and acronyms used in Eurostat and in the European Statistical System (ESS).
List of supplementary units (SU) or volume physical units is a code list used respectively in CN and PRODCOM List.
For certain goods, a supplementary quantity is provided in addition to the net mass. This quantity is expressed in a unit, which provides useful information. Supplementary units are units other than kilograms such as, for example, litres, numbers of pieces, carats, terajoules or square metres. Supplementary unit varies according to the goods.
Supplementary units is maintained by Eurostat and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Target groups describes learner groups that a learning opportunity, and corresponding credential, is tailored and/or best suited for. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of verifiable presentation types describes clearly distinguishable verifiable presentation categories of EDC-compliant credential data that credential holders can share with a verifier. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model list (ELM) of Verification statuses describes the potential outcomes of the digital credential authentication and verification checks. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
The European Learning Model (ELM) list of Verification types describes different verification tests that can be run on a European Digital Credential for Learning. It is maintained by DG EMPL and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
Waste categories are defined on the basis of the statistical European Waste Classification (EWC-Stat), which is a substance-oriented nomenclature and which has been specially created for EU waste statistics. The 51 waste categories that must be reported in waste generation include 21 hazardous waste categories and 30 non-hazardous waste categories.
Legal basis: Commission Regulation (EU) No 849/2010 of 27 September 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste statistics (Text with EEA relevance), OJ L 253, 28.9.2010, p. 2-41.
WASTE categories is maintained by Eurostat and published by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website.
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