Publications Office of the EU
EU Publications Office Newsletter - May 2024 edition - Publicaciones de la UE
2024 May newsletter

Issue 127

May 2024

ISSN 2315-0017

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Spotlight on equality

Equality is one of the core values on which the European Union was founded. It is also a right that is enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 21), which prohibits the discrimination of people in the European Union on any grounds.

As part of its efforts to build a Union of Equality, the EU works hard to create the conditions for everyone to live and thrive in a society where we are truly united in our diversity. The EU institutions are supported in this work by agencies such as the European Institute for Gender Equality and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

Actions such as the Directives on pay transparency and on gender balance in company boards aim to ensure full gender equality in the workplace. Moreover, under the Employment Equality Directive, all Member States must provide legal protection against discrimination and harassment on the basis of sexual orientation in people’s professional life.

With around one in every four EU citizens have some form of disability, the EU is working to create a barrier-free Europe that empowers and enables people with disabilities to fully enjoy their rights, including by setting requirements for the accessibility of key products and services such as computers and transport services. The EU has also taken action to prohibit public incitement to violence or hatred based on race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin.

To celebrate diversity month, our May newsletter puts the spotlight on equality. As always, we also recommend publications on a variety of engaging topics, from open schooling to climate action.

Enjoy the good reads!

Intergenerational inequalities PDF/Paper

How to close the gaps?

Economic and social shocks such as the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted various aspects of Europeans’ lives. However, some age groups have been more affected by these shocks than others. This publication examines areas, such as income and employment levels, where intergenerational divides have widened, or narrowed, in the aftermath of these events.

Available in English and French

Celebrating women in science PODCAST

What do a mathematician, a palaeontologist and a researcher considering the rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis patients have in common? All three are women who have carved themselves successful careers as scientific researchers. This episode of the CORDIScovery podcast invites three female researchers to talk about their work, discuss their own experiences and offer insights into what helped, and hindered them, in the development of their careers.

Available in English

Plugging gender gaps in the labour market PDF

Long-standing gender inequalities continue to present challenges for women’s participation in the labour market. This publication highlights some of the initiatives the EU has launched to remove hurdles faced by women in joining the labour market.

Available in English

More on this topic

Bridging the rural-urban divide PDF/Paper

Addressing inequalities and empowering communities

Despite the high priority given in policy to achieving geographically balanced economic development, gaps in living conditions still exist between rural and urban areas. In some cases, such as employment levels and the provision of public services, these gaps are growing. This report looks into rural-urban differences in social, political, cultural and economic issues.

Available in English

Addressing racism in policing PDF/Paper

This report looks into the potential prevalence of racist practices in police forces across the EU. From outlining the interactions that people belonging to ethnic minorities have had with the police in recent years to highlighting examples of good practices when it comes to countering racism in policing, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the situation in EU Member States.

Available in English

Discrimination in the European Union PDF

Summary report

This Eurobarometer survey looks into Europeans’ opinions about discrimination and the social acceptance in each Member State of a variety of groups at risk of discrimination. The survey also reflects the personal experience of those who have experienced discrimination, including who respondents would prefer to report discrimination to.

Available in English

Evidence to action PDF/Paper

Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the COVID-19 recovery

This report presents an assessment of the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on its effects on gender equality. It also looks into the EU’s recovery response, particularly the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and its gender equality provisions.

Available in English

2023 report on gender equality in the EU PDF/Paper

This report provides an overview of the state of play of gender equality in the EU and around the world. It highlights key measures taken by the EU to improve gender equality and includes inspiring examples of action taken in Member States and by EU-funded projects to promote gender equality.

Available in English

Also out recently

The (labour mobility) rights of displaced persons from Ukraine PDF

Since the beginning of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine in 2022, well over 4 million Ukrainians have sought refuge in the European Union. The EU has adopted various measures to support those who have been displaced because of the war of aggression. This publication focuses on one of those measures, the Temporary Protection Directive, and outlines how the measure supports displaced Ukrainians.

Available in English

In your language

Keeping our promise to Europe PDF/Paper

The story of the von der Leyen Commission

This publication provides an overview of the main results delivered by the von der Leyen Commission since the beginning of its mandate on 1 December 2019. It details how the von der Leyen Commission has delivered on its political priorities such as the European Green Deal, how it has acted in the face of crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, how it has supported Ukraine, and more.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Research and innovation

CORDIS Results Pack on open schooling PDF/Paper/HTML

Paving the way for innovative educational contexts in the EU

In our rapidly changing world, it’s of vital importance that our education systems continue to equip students with the skills they need to be able to face the challenges of today and tomorrow. The nine EU-funded projects featured in this Results Pack focus on fostering an open schooling approach to education, which encompasses an entirely different approach to ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’ people learn.

Available in English

You may also like

European climate pact PDF

What is the European climate pact?

The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe. Launched by the European Commission, the pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050. Learn more about how you can join the pact in this publication.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Our news

The next European elections will take place from 6 to 9 June this year. Over the course of these four days, millions of Europeans will have the opportunity to elect Members of the European Parliament who will shape EU policy over the next 5 years.
Check out the newest section of the EU Publications website to find publications related to the upcoming European elections, democracy, and more!


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