Publications Office of the EU
EU Publications Office Newsletter - April 2024 edition - Foilseacháin an Aontais
2024 April newsletter

Issue 126

April 2024

ISSN 2315-0017

You can read our newsletter in all official EU languages plus Ukrainian and Russian by clicking on the globe icon with the blue background in the top right corner of the page.

Spotlight on European democracy

Democracy is at the heart of what the European Union is about, and at the centre of its foundation and functioning. The EU is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, as set out in the Treaty on European Union.

The EU is governed by the principle of representative democracy. Citizens elect their direct representatives at EU level to the European Parliament, and elected representatives of the Member States constitute the European Council and the Council of the European Union. Citizens play a key role in shaping the European decision-making process.

Citizens’ right to participate in the democratic life of the EU is enshrined in the Treaty on European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (Article 39). A major way in which citizens can feed into the European decision-making process is by voting in the European Parliament elections. The next elections will take place from 6 to 9 June this year and will offer citizens from all 27 EU Member States the chance to elect representatives that will shape EU policies for the next 5 years.

There are a number of other ways in which citizens can play their part in the EU’s democratic process. The European Citizens’ Initiative allows citizens to call on the European Commission to propose legislation on areas where the EU is responsible for action. Through European Citizens’ Panels, EU citizens can share their views and provide recommendations on upcoming proposals from the European Commission. Meanwhile, the ‘Have your say' website gives citizens and businesses the chance to share their views on new EU policies and existing laws.

Democracy cannot be taken for granted. In the current context of rising geopolitical tensions and increasing polarisation, as well as an increase in the spread of disinformation, the EU is working hard to safeguard our democracies. For example, through the European Democracy Action Plan, the EU aims to support resilient democracies across all Member States by protecting free and fair elections, strengthening media freedom, countering disinformation, and stimulating open, democratic debate that is free from malign interference from third countries.

Open and democratic debate thrives when citizens are well-informed about issues that concern them. The EU’s institutions strive to ensure that all EU citizens have access to easy-to-understand information about EU laws and European data, so that open and democratic debates can be fuelled by trustworthy information.

In the run-up to this year’s European elections, our April newsletter puts the spotlight on European democracy.

As always, we also recommend publications on a variety of engaging topics, from life in the EU’s cross-border regions to climate action.

Enjoy the good reads!

The European Parliament PDF/Paper

The voice of citizens in the European Union

The European Parliament plays a key role in the EU’s decision-making process by adopting laws and policies, together with the Council, which shape the day-to-day lives of hundreds of millions of EU citizens. This publication delves into the competences of the European Parliament, as well as its composition and how it interacts with other EU institutions.

Available in all official languages of the EU and Catalan

EU citizenship PDF

Rights and opportunities

EU citizenship is a unique concept. If you are a national of one of the 27 EU Member States, then you are also automatically an EU citizen. This enables you to enjoy certain rights and benefits that are valid in all 27 EU Member States. This brochure provides you with what you need to know about your rights and explains how you can benefit from them.

Available in all official languages of the EU except Irish

Get ready! The countdown to the 2024 European elections has begun PDF/Paper/HTML

You can help shape the Europe you want! Make your voice heard

The next European Parliament elections will take place from 6 to 9 June this year. This publication, targeted towards young Europeans, provides a brief overview of what’s at stake in these elections and points to other ways in which you can make a difference to EU policies.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Defence of democracy PDF

The ‘Defence of democracy’ package builds on the European Democracy Action Plan, which aims to protect free and fair elections, strengthen media freedom, and counter disinformation. This factsheet underscores the most important points of the package.

Available in English, French, and German

More on this topic

The state of local and regional democracy PDF

A youth perspective

The study explores how young EU citizens view the state of democracy at local and regional levels (with comparisons drawn with national and European levels), how they engage in it, and which specific tools could further encourage their participation. The study also looks into some of the challenges that need to be overcome to facilitate active and meaningful democratic participation by young people.

Available in English

Follow-up of the conference on the future of Europe PDF

One year on

The Conference on the Future of Europe concluded its work with 49 proposals proposed by its plenary, covering topics such as climate change, health, European democracy and migration. This publication showcases the work done by the European Commission in translating the proposals from the Conference into real action one year after the Conference ended.

Available in English

Opinion on democracy in the digital age PDF/Paper

Recent years have seen profound challenges to democracy, including the spread of misinformation and disinformation. This publication examines how digital technologies can contribute to a weakening of democratic institutions, even if they may not be its sole cause. At the same time, other ways of using digital technologies may help us address some of these problems. The Opinion addresses the safeguarding of democracy in the digital age, including free and fair elections.

Available in English, French, and German

Also out recently

10 ways that Europe can do more for you PDF

Mapping the cost of non-Europe

Climate change and social inequalities are some of the many challenges European society is currently facing. Other challenges, stemming from the tense global geopolitical situation, rising levels of debt, or the rise in anti-microbial resistance, may lie ahead. This study looks into the benefits that collective ambitious action at EU level could bring in 10 selected policy areas.

Available in English

The EU in 2023 PDF/HTML

General report on the activities of the European Union

Would you like to know how the EU addressed the challenges of 2023 and what it achieved during the last year? Are you curious about the main policy developments in the EU from last year, from the EU’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine to a Europe fit for the digital age, and how citizens benefited from them? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in The EU in 2023.

Available in all official languages of the EU

In your language

The European Union PDF/Paper/HTML

What it is and what it does

This publication explains what the EU is and how it has evolved from its origins to today. It includes brief summaries describing what the EU is doing in 40 different areas to improve the lives of people in Europe and further afield. It also describes the institutions at the heart of the EU’s decision-making process and how their decisions are translated into actions.

Available in all official languages of the EU as well as Catalan, Russian, and Ukrainian

Research and innovation

Connecting citizens with democracy PDF/Paper/HTML

New tools and insights to bolster political participation

In 2024, EU citizens will go to the polls for the European Parliament elections. In the face of challenges to trust in governance, increasing political polarisation, and growing external threats to democracy, this Cordis Results Pack highlights 15 EU-funded research projects exploring the current challenges to democracy, and testing innovative solutions that support better engagement with the democratic process.

Available in English

Research and innovation to counter disinformation, foreign manipulation, and interference PDF

Disinformation campaigns and other targeted actions aiming to undermine democratic debate and aggravate social divisions, often fuelled by external actors, are increasing. This factsheet puts the spotlight on EU-funded research actions that are exploring ways to combat disinformation, foreign manipulation, and interference.

Available in English

You may also like

Living in a cross-border region PDF/Paper

Nine stories to facilitate cross-border solutions

Living in a cross-border region in the EU can still be a source of challenges today. Nine stories are presented in this publication to showcase the realities of people in this situation. The publication highlights obstacles people are facing and explores potential solutions that could facilitate cross-border life throughout Europe.

Available in English

EU missions PDF

100 climate-neutral and smart cities

This factsheet showcases the work being done by the EU to create 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. Find out which cities are taking part in this EU project, how they will benefit from it, and what the concrete steps are in achieving the project’s objectives.

Available in English

Our news

The portal of the Publications Office of the EU,, gives free access to a wealth of EU resources including EU publications. To make it easier for you to find publications you are interested in, the EU publications site puts the spotlight on collections dedicated to popular topics, new releases, educational resources and more. There is also a section of the EU publications website that highlights publications available in all official EU languages.

The section, called ‘In your language’, promotes linguistic diversity, crucial for democracy and an integral part of European cultural heritage. Publications featured in this section are organised in four collections: How the EU works, Facts about the EU, The Green Deal & energy, and Education material. The collections are regularly updated to bring readers the most recent and popular titles. Visit the section and explore what the EU does and how it works – all this in your language!

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European data
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EU research results
Information about the results of
EU-funded projects
EU Whoiswho
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EU publications
Publications of the EU institutions in various formats