Publications Office of the EU
EU Publications Office Newsletter - January 2024 edition - Publicațiile UE
2024 January newsletter

Issue 123

January 2024

ISSN 2315-0017

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Spotlight on education and training

Education and training are essential for any society and play a key role in empowering people and shaping the future.

In the EU, the organisation of education and training systems and the content of teaching are a matter for the Member States. The EU actively supports its Member States in their efforts to provide top-quality education and training for their citizens. The EU's actions establish a framework and foster cooperation and the exchange of information, experiences, research, and tools between EU countries.

The EU's goals in the domain are multiple and ambitious. The EU works to help make lifelong learning and mobility a reality, enhance the quality and efficiency of education and training, promote equity and inclusion, social cohesion, and active citizenship, fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The EU aims to promote multilingualism in Europe and encourages the mobility of students, trainees, teachers, and young people in general.

The Erasmus+ programme is a prime example of the EU’s added value in this field. This programme offers opportunities for students, educators, and educational institutions across Europe to collaborate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. The initiative enriches educational experiences and promotes cultural understanding and unity across the continent. The EU also invests in research and innovation in education, recognising that future learning environments must be adaptive and digital competencies enhanced.

In conclusion, the EU's efforts in education are about empowering people. They represent an investment in people and in Europe’s future.

Our January newsletter focuses on education and offers a selection of key publications on the topic. As always, we also recommend readings on a variety of other engaging topics, from gender equality to quantum computing. Enjoy the good reads!

Education and training monitor 2023 PDF/Paper

Comparative report

The education and training monitor delivers an annual overview, provided by the European Commission, of the progress and transformations within EU education and training systems. The report tracks the advancement towards collectively established targets under the European Education Area’s strategic framework. It combines the most recent data and updates on national policies, offering a clear and up-to-date picture of educational developments across the EU.

Available in English

Digital education content in the EU PDF

State of play and policy options: final report

Explore the technological, legal, and pedagogical dimensions that shape Europe's digital education ecosystem. This comprehensive report delves into the current trends and challenges of digital education content, from early childhood to higher education. It offers a unique blend of case studies, market analysis, and expert consultations, revealing insights into the demand and supply of digital educational materials.

Available in English, French and German

The structure of the European education systems 2023/2024 PDF

Schematic diagrams

This publication offers a comprehensive overview of mainstream European education structures, from pre-primary to tertiary levels. It showcases national schematic diagrams and a detailed guide for interpretation, covering 39 systems across 37 countries. It is a valuable tool for understanding the diverse European educational models and a key resource for educators, policymakers, and students interested in the panorama of European education.

Available in English, Italian and Spanish

More on this topic

Investing in our future PDF

Quality investment in education and training

This report explores the crucial role of quality investment in education and training as a catalyst for boosting educational outcomes, promoting equality, and enhancing employability. The report shows that investing in education pays off greatly, both for individuals and society. It emphasizes how high-quality education can reduce poverty, lower unemployment, and improve opportunities for people across different generations.

Available in English

The future of vocational education and training in Europe PDF

Synthesis report

This report offers a thorough examination of the evolving nature of European vocational education and training (VET), synthesising three years of extensive research across Europe. The report highlights key trends such as the diversification and expansion of VET institutions, a shift towards more flexible, practice-based learning, and a growing emphasis on lifelong learning and higher qualifications.

Available in English

EU support to strengthen gender equality in STEM PDF

This factsheet addresses the significant gender disparity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields within the EU. Despite near parity in doctoral graduates when considering all fields of study, women represent only a third of undergraduate students in the STEM disciplines and hold less than 20% of top academic positions in these fields. The publication outlines a comprehensive strategy to enhance women's participation in STEM, including promoting gender-inclusive education and career paths, addressing stereotypes, and fostering institutional change.

Available in English

In your language

Digital education action plan 2021-2027 PDF

Improving the provision of digital skills in education and training

The digital education action plan 2021-2027 addresses the urgent need for improved digital skills across Europe. With just over half of the population possessing basic digital abilities, and a significant skills gap in the labour force, the plan proposes comprehensive strategies for all education levels. It emphasizes inclusivity and quality in digital education, aiming to meet ambitious targets by 2030. This factsheet provides further detail.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Erasmus+, what's in it for me? PDF/Paper

The school for life starts here: school education

This factsheet serves as a guide to Erasmus+, the EU's premier programme for education, training, youth, and sport, with a special focus on schools. It provides an in-depth look at how schools and educational organisations can reap the benefits of the programme, detailing eligibility criteria, participating countries, and types of actions. Moreover, it underscores the programme's dedication to inclusion, digital education, participation in democratic life, and environmental sustainability.

Available in all official languages of the EU except Irish

Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators PDF

This publication looks into the increasing use of AI in schools and universities, and explores the associated ethical aspects. It serves as an essential tool for educators aiming to adeptly navigate the ever-changing realm of AI in education, thereby enriching learning experiences while maintaining high ethical standards.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Also out recently

European Parliament Eurobarometer PDF

Parlemeter 2023: six months before the 2024 European elections

The Parlemeter 2023 is a comprehensive survey conducted across the EU, examining citizens' attitudes towards the European Union, its impact on their lives, and their views on important topics such as EU enlargement, democracy, and the upcoming European elections. The survey highlights Europeans' optimism about the EU's future, while acknowledging socio-economic hardships. Key priorities include poverty reduction, public health, and climate change.

Available in English

EIB investment survey 2023 PDF

European Union overview

The 2023 investment survey by the European Investment Bank (EIB) offers insightful findings on the resilience and adaptive strategies of European businesses in challenging economic times. Despite economic slowdown and tighter credit, investment in the EU has remained robust, especially in areas like digitalisation, approaches to address climate change, and the green transition. The report highlights how European firms, supported by strong demand post-pandemic and government policies, are navigating issues such as high energy costs and the need for skilled employees.

Available in English, French and German

Gender Equality Index 2023 PDF

Towards a green transition in transport and energy

This annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of gender equality in the EU, particularly in the context of the European Green Deal. It highlights the persistence of gender disparities, especially in sectors crucial for the green transition. The report looks into the impact of these inequalities on women's economic independence and their involvement in key sectors like energy and transport.

Available in English

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on AI in science PDF/EPUB/Paper

The way we live and work is being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), and scientific research is no exception. AI tools help to automate tasks, analyse data, and generate insights in ways that were not previously possible. This results pack presents 15 ongoing, or recently completed EU-funded projects that highlight various applications of AI in science. The pack underlines how AI-empowered applications and technologies like machine learning can help science deliver innovation and address problems that would otherwise be too difficult and time consuming to solve.

Available in English
(Individual article also available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

You may also like

Being black in the EU PDF/Paper

Experiences of people of African descent

This report provides a crucial update on the challenges faced by people of African descent in Europe. Revealing an alarming increase in racial discrimination, harassment, and violence since 2016, it highlights the lack of progress despite existing anti-discrimination laws within the EU. The report is based on comprehensive data from nearly 6 800 individuals across 13 EU Member States, underscoring the pressing need for effective action on equality and inclusion.

Available in English

The second quantum revolution PDF

The impact of quantum computing and quantum technologies on law enforcement

This publication explores the transformative effects of quantum computing and technologies on law enforcement. Highlighting both the potential benefits and threats, it delves into the impacts on cryptography, digital forensics, and secure communication. The report underscores the need for law enforcement to adapt to these advancements, particularly in safeguarding sensitive information against quantum computing's ability to break conventional encryption.

Available in English

Solar storms PDF

A new challenge on the horizon?

This illustrative publication examines the underestimated threat of solar storms and their potential to disrupt modern technology-dependent societies. It explores historical events, current vulnerabilities, and future risks, emphasising the importance of preparedness for these rare but significant events.

Available in English

Our news

Explore the dynamic landscape of European open data with the 2023 Open Data Maturity Report recently published by the Publications Office of the EU. The report provides an annual assessment of the level of open data maturity across 35 European countries, brought to you through Read about the advancements in the provision of high-value datasets, with geospatial and statistics leading the charge, and discover new trends and challenges.

We hope you enjoyed our selection of publications on education and training featured in this newsletter. If you are eager to find out more visit our bundle dedicated to education material on the EU publications website. This comprehensive selection is regularly updated and available in all official languages of the EU.

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