Publications Office of the EU
ENDORSE Conference 2025 - Endorse 2025
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Nested Applications

Conference 2025


Knowledge sharing in organisations is a significant challenge in present-day societies. While it is directly related to the production, dissemination and reuse of fast-growing volumes of data, the creation, curation and sharing of multilingual reference data (lists, taxonomies, thesauri and ontologies) are absolute foundation stones of knowledge management. Throughout this process, individuals, companies, national public services and EU and international organisations deploy IT and semantic solutions in various fields, alongside efforts dedicated to the wider implementation of natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Despite all efforts, silos tend to remain, which harms the interoperability and the retrievability of information.

Furthermore, public administrations and enterprises that have today more data available for analysis and reporting than they ever had. According to forecasts, volumes and data complexity will further increase at an even faster rate. Therefore, it appears to be more than relevant to build on semantics to provide the means to handle current and future data workloads, and to bridge business intelligence and artificial intelligence.

In this context, both the Publications Office of the European Union and Interoperable Europe supported by the Digital Europe Programme benefit from their central positions. As a provider and reference organisation for semantic assets, experience, knowledge and technology sharing (standardisation, reference data, semantic assets and technologies, multilingualism, consultancy, guidance and support) for EU and national public services, the Publications Office offers open access for all to a specialised website, EU Vocabularies, and builds on knowledge-sharing platforms such as GitHub and Joinup to promote toolchain building blocks. The Digital Europe Programme from its side supports the development of digital solutions that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services.

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