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Publications Office of the EU
OP data structures and standards - EU Vocabularies
OP standards

Overview on data structures and standards

This document aims at ensuring that solutions developed or provided by contractors in collaboration with the Publications Office are consistent. It therefore promotes interoperable standards and data structures used at the Publications Office.

All standards referred to in the document are approved by and for the OP. Consequently, all contractors are expected to apply them; they shall avoid to introduce or use other standards where (not appropriate) OP standards do exists. The OP is willing to establish other standards in domains not yet included in the document together with authors and contractors in the frame of technology evolution (e.g. multimedia production).

 Concerned services of the OP should note the following:

  • This document should be used as an annex to call for tenders. 
  • The document does not list tools used at the Publications Office nor their related standards which are de facto proprietary (ex. Microsoft Office). A further annexed document lists recommended products and technologies.
  • The document provides a short overview of data structures and standards; it is not meant to provide a detailed description. You will find these through links given in the document.
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