Semantic knowledge base
Reference data, such as code lists and authority tables, means data that are used to characterise or relate to other data. Such a controlled vocabulary defines the permissible values to be used in a specific field for example as metadata. Reference data vocabularies are fundamental building blocks of most information systems. Using common interoperable reference data is essential for achieving interoperability.
Terms used in our reference data catalogue
18. September 2024
How to extract a list of concepts from a vocabulary
18. September 2024
About the use of Authority tables
12. August 2024
Identifiers and how to use more than one
6. Oktober 2022
useContext property and how to use it
18. Mai 2022
Labels and data models, why and how to use them
5. Mai 2022
Dissemination formats
24. Januar 2022
Federated queries
24. Oktober 2021
Dissemination formats
57020 Aufrufe
useContext property and how to use it
55467 Aufrufe
Terms used in our reference data catalogue
55244 Aufrufe
Federated queries
55075 Aufrufe
About the use of Authority tables
53200 Aufrufe
Labels and data models, why and how to use them
52491 Aufrufe
Identifiers and how to use more than one
50444 Aufrufe
Our reference data catalogue contains more than 150 datasets spanning from simple code lists to taxonomies, schemas and ontologies. Each specific type has its own specificities and usage needs....
The reference data catalogue published on the Publications Office website is a dynamic set of data models , thesauri and taxonomies that are made available to the public to support interoperability...
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource (IETF RFC3986). URIs are specified as being written only in ASCII...