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Publications Office of the EU
Corporate reference data list - EU Vocabularies
Collection of corporate reference data assets

Collection of corporate reference data assets

In the following list of corporate reference data assets, the priority is on cross-domain assets, those ones that can be used across all DGs and services. Examples are languages, economic activities, and geo-references.

In cases where there are multiple candidates for a particular type of concept, a dedicated task group will be established to identify the possible reference source and to define the context in which the candidates will be recommended. The existing reference data assets suitable for shared use can be grouped according to the context, i.e. generic, cross-domain, vs. domain-specific contexts, e.g., fisheries.

Generic context 





Governance model
Audience Target audience Target audiences used for the general publications   Internally defined based on external source with
Countries and territories Countries and territories Countries and selected territories used by different EU institutions services ISO 3166 Internally defined based on external source with modifications
Currency Currency Currencies – including subunits ISO 4217 Externally defined and reused with modifications
Data reuse licence Licence European Commission Reuse Notice and standard licences Creative Commons, GNU, Open Data Commons Internally defined including references to various external resources
Economic activity NACE Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community Regulation (EC) 1893/2006 Defined by legal text
EU activities EuroVoc Multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular.   Internally defined without reference to external source
EU programme EU programme Programmes financially supported by the EU   Internally defined without reference to external source

File format

File type Data format Possible relationship with Pronom Internally defined without reference to external source
Language Language Human languages ISO 639 Internally defined based on external source with modifications
Spatial data theme INSPIRE theme Spatial data themes in support of the INSPIRE Directive Directive 2007/2/EC Defined by legal text
Sustainable development goals Sustainable development goals Sustainable Development Goals UN SDGS Externally defined and reused without modifications


Domain-specific context





Governance model
Communication Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications EuroVoc Internally defined based on internal source with modifications
Fish species Species List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes FAO ASFIS Internally defined based on external source without modifications
Fishing gear Fishing gear tpe International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear FAO Fishing gear classification Internally defined based on external source with modifications
Fishing vessels Fishing vessels International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Vessels FAO fishing vessel type Externally defined and reused without modifications